27 Mar ALIVE FOR EVERMORE! (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)
THE CREED! (vs 3-4) Christ died for our sins He was buried & raised on the third day THE CROWD! (vs 5-7) Over 500 eye witnesses THE CRUSADER! (vs 8-11) Paul who persecuted the church of God ...
THE CREED! (vs 3-4) Christ died for our sins He was buried & raised on the third day THE CROWD! (vs 5-7) Over 500 eye witnesses THE CRUSADER! (vs 8-11) Paul who persecuted the church of God ...
[audio mp3="https://www.bridgechapel.co.uk/worship/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/20032016BILLPM.mp3"][/audio] JESUS: 1) HIS BATTLE! With Satan & his demons 2) HIS BURDEN! If You be willing remove this cup from Me The weight of becoming sin for us 3) HIS BEAUTY! Of His holiness, Of His willingness Nevertheless not as I will but Your will be done He became obedient unto death ...
[audio mp3="https://www.bridgechapel.co.uk/worship/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/14032016BILLPM.mp3"][/audio] THE COURIER - Tychicus (v7-8) A messenger, a beloved brother, a faithful minister, a fellow servant & an encourager THE FUGITIVE - Onesimus (v9) The runaway who became a loyal & beloved brother THE PRINCE – Aristarchus (v10) A fellow-sufferer who rebukes our self pity THE FAILURE – Mark (v10) He “made...
[audio mp3="https://www.bridgechapel.co.uk/worship/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/06032016BILLPM.mp3"][/audio] AT HOME! (3:18-21) Wives, Husbands, Children, Fathers: Be like Jesus: Submissive, Loving, Obedient & Gracious AT WORK! (3:22-4:1) Workers – whatever you do work heartily for the Lord & not for men Leaders – be just and fair AT CHURCH! (4:2-6) Be prayerful, watchful, thankful, wise, gracious ...
[audio mp3="https://www.bridgechapel.co.uk/worship/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/21022016BILLPM.mp3"][/audio] 1) THE WARDROBE! (vs 5-15) Take off the rags of sexual sins (vs 5-7) and social sins (vs 8-11) Put on the robes of love (vs 12-15) 2) THE WORD! (v16) Have the word of Christ dwell in you richly 3) THE WHATEVER! (v17) Do all in the name of the...
[audio mp3="https://www.bridgechapel.co.uk/worship/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/21022016BILLAM.mp3"][/audio] 1) ITS CASE! (56:9-12) The leaders were irresponsible. They don’t see, know, warn. They are lazy, greedy, care less, selfish, pleasure seeking and arrogant. 2) ITS CURSE! (57:1-13a) The people languish into sin. The righteous perish Superstition flourishes God is mocked Children are abused Illicit sex becomes a new god Ambition and popularity reign Lies become...
[audio mp3="https://www.bridgechapel.co.uk/worship/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/07022016BILLPM.mp3"][/audio] TO: 1) ELITISM! (v8-10) Don’t be kidnapped by HUMAN philosophy & human tradition. You are complete in Christ 2) RITUALISM! (v11-15) It is not circumcision that matters but union with Christ 3) LEGALISM! (v16-17) Don’t let anyone pass judgement on you. You don’t need the shadow, you have the substance - Christ 4)...
[audio mp3="https://www.bridgechapel.co.uk/worship/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/31012016BILLPM.mp3"][/audio] 1) BE ENCOURAGED! (v1-2) In Heart In Unity In Love 2) BE ENRICHED! (v2-3) In Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge 3) BE ESTABLISHED! (v4-7) Firm in Faith Close in Walk Deep in Root Full in Thanks ...
[audio mp3="https://www.bridgechapel.co.uk/worship/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/24012016BILLPM.mp3"][/audio] 1) MINISTRY! (v23-25) I, Paul, became a minister… (Diakonos) according to the stewardship from God. Of Servanthood, Affliction, Proclamation. 2) MYSTERY! (v26-27) Christ in you, the hope of glory! 3) MATURITY! (v28-29) To present everyone mature in Christ ...
[audio mp3="https://www.bridgechapel.co.uk/worship/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/17012016BILLPM.mp3"][/audio] JESUS: 1) HIS PERSON! a) The image of the invisible God b) The eternal Son of the Father c) The fullness of God in bodily form 2) HIS POWER! a) The Creator & sustainer of the universe b) The head of the Church c) The risen pre-eminent One 3) HIS PURPOSE! a) To reconcile b)...