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1 Timothy Tag

Apologies for the sound quality. [audio m4a=""][/audio] 1. I AM A GREAT SINNER! The admission of Saul of Tarsus. This man hated Christians, he hated the growth of “this cult” & asked the High Priest for a letter of authority to persecute anyone who believed in Jesus. 2....

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. IDENTITY (11a) But as for you, O man of God 2. PRIORITY (11b – 14a) a) Flee these things (see 6:3-5, 6:9-10) b) Pursue: Righteousness Christ-like actions Godliness Christ-like character Faith Christ-like trust in God Love Christ-like affections Steadfastness Christ-like endurance with situations Gentleness Christ-like patience with people c) Fight the good fight d)...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. The Godly Teaching the Household Demands (v3-5) 2. The Godly Contentment the Household Demonstrates (v6-10) 3. The Godly Generosity the Household Displays (v17-19) The gospel teaches and trains me to be part of The Household of God.  Living this out means: Living more Simply Showing more Gratitude ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. Elders’ Pay Policy (5:17-18) Respect and Remuneration 2. Elders’ Disciplinary Policy (5:19-21) Avoid the Frivolous; Address the Serious 3. Elders’ Recruitment Policy (5:22-25) Don’t go on Instinct, go on Godly Insight 4. Workplace Behaviour Policy (6:1-2) Respect your Boss because your Lord’s reputation is at stake...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. THE PRINCIPLE: WE ARE FAMILY! (v1-2) The Glory of Adoption through Christ The Goal of Adoption in the Church Respect, Affection, Equality, Purity 2. THE PRACTISE: CARE FOR WIDOWS (v3-16) Support widows in need v3-8 Encourage widows to serve v9-16 3. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: We need...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. Give Clear Direction (v11-12) Command and Teach (v11) Set an Example (v12) 2. Give Continual Devotion (v13-14) To the glory of God in the Scriptures (v13) To the gifting of God in your service (v14) 3. Give Constant Diligence (v15-16) Practise in order to Progress ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. The Cause of the Shipwreck (v1-5) False teachers are to be expected False teachers are to be exposed False teaching needs to be corrected 2. The Salvage Yard Servant (v6-10) Nourishes his own soul in order to pass on the truth that leads to...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD HAS A TITLE The Church of the Living God 2. THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD HAS A TASK A Pillar to hold the truth high A Buttress to hold the truth firm 3. THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD HAS THE TRUTH Jesus is...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) Elders – above reproach: In his morality, self-control, hospitality, ability to teach, approach to alcohol, temper, attitude to money, home life, spiritual maturity, reputation outside the church. 2) Deacons – above reproach: In his/her self-control, biblical convictions, past service and development, home life, heavenly standing and...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Men: Display Household Holiness in public worship by your prayerfulness v8 Women: Display Household Holiness in public worship by your propriety v9-10 Women: Display Household Holiness in public worship as you learn …not teach, in all submissiveness…not exercising authority v11-12 Paul’s explanation: Life...