09 Aug “I AM THE DOOR” (John 10:1-10)
1. A STARK CONTRAST The good and bad shepherds 2. AN EXCLUSIVE CLAIM “I am THE door” 3. AN OPEN PROMISE Anyone who enters: a) Will be saved b) Will find pasture c) Will have abundant life ...
1. A STARK CONTRAST The good and bad shepherds 2. AN EXCLUSIVE CLAIM “I am THE door” 3. AN OPEN PROMISE Anyone who enters: a) Will be saved b) Will find pasture c) Will have abundant life ...
1. CONFRONTATION (v1-13) a) The Unclean and The Clean b) The Mighty and The Almighty c) The Occupiers and The Liberator 2. TRANSFORMATION (v14-20) a) Legion – The Participator i) Lost to Found ii) Misery to Missionary b) The Locals – The Spectators i) Fearful rather than Faithful ii) Marvelled but...
1. WORDS OF REVELATION ‘I AM’……the Light 2. WORDS OF ILLUMINATION The world…..in darkness 3. WORDS OF SALVATION Follow Me…….light of Life ...
1. HIS PLIGHT! Blind – poor – without hope 2. HIS PLEA! “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 3. HIS PLEASURE! He received his sight He glorified God He followed Jesus ...
1. DIVINITY! ‘I AM’ – the Divine name 2. DISCOVERY! ‘The Bread’ – source of all satisfaction 3. DESTINY! ‘Of Life’ – abundant & eternal ...
1. GRIME! A tapestry of sin and shame 2. GRIEF! A tragedy of pain and loss 3. GRACE! A testimony of love and mercy ...
1. Corruption: His Name and His Business A Tax-Collector called Levi 2. Conversion: His Name and His Response A Follower called Matthew 3. Commitment: His Society and His Saviour A Disciple called to Share, Scribe and Sacrifice ...
1. THE BRIDE! (v1-13) Ruth redeemed by Boaz: legally, willingly, at great cost, with great love 2. THE BOY! (v13-17) Obed, the servant worshipper 3. THE BLESSING! (v13-22) To Boaz & Ruth To Naomi (the restorer of life) To Bethlehem To Israel To the world ...
1. THE PLAN! (v1-5) There is rest & hope in Boaz Wash, anoint & go Humble yourself at the feet of the master (Lev 25:24-27, Deut 25:5-6) 2. THE PLEA! (v6-9) Cover me with your wings & be my Redeemer 3. THE PLEDGE! (v10-18) Blessing, love, joy, peace, safety, kindness,...
1. HER SADNESS! (v1-9) Rejected, lonely, empty & thirsty 2. HER SECRETS! (v10-19) “…you have had five husbands..” 3. HER SAVIOUR! (v20-30) Sought her, taught her & brought her to faith ***SERMONTO FOLLOW ...