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[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. THE PROMISE OF GOD! He hears 2. THE PRESENCE OF GOD! He is near 3. THE PROVISION OF GOD! He delivers LESSONS: 1. Trust God’s word 2. Be real in His presence 3. Remember heaven is real 4. We have Jesus now...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. REVENGE! (v1-2) War is declared 3,000 chosen men 2. RESTRAINT! (v3-15) Grace is observed I will not harm the Lord’s anointed 3. REMORSE! (v16-22) Tears are observed…… Grief but no change LESSONS: 1. Root out the root 2. Realise the horror of hypocrisy 3. Remember the triumph of grace 4....

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. TALKERS a) Their characteristics v10 – insubordinate (rebellious/incorrigible), empty, deceptive b) Their content v10, 14 – circumcision Acts 15:1; myths and speculation 1 Tim 6:4; commands Col 2:20-23 c) Their cause v11 – shameful gain 2. TACTICS a) Stopped v11 – silenced; they were “ruining households” b) Solution v13...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] A Place of: 1. TRAUMA! David alone in the cave. “No-one cares for my soul” 2. TRAINING! His family and 400 broken people join him 3. TRANSFORMATION! Wanting God’s will and doing God’s will LESSONS: 1. God is the restorer of His people 2. God sees diamonds in the rough 3....

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Leadership is designed and delegated by God 1. Leaders must not be: Arrogant – Quick-tempered – Drunkards - Violent – Greedy 2. Leaders must be: Hospitable – Lovers of Good – Self-controlled – Upright – Holy – Disciplined 3. Leaders are tasked with: Holding Firm and Holding...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] A Stone of: 1. DECISION! (v22, 37) Do I go or do I stay? 2. DEPRESSION! (v41) David weeping and falling 3. DEVOTION! (v42) A covenant of love LESSONS: 1. Beware of an inward civil war 2. Be sure that life will bring pain 3. Beware of the suction of sadness 4....

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. The Origin of Truth The Personal God 2. The Object of Truth The People of God Their Progress in Godliness 3. The Offer of Truth Grace and Peace from God 4. The Operation of Truth The Preaching of God’s word The Practice of God’s people CHALLENGES: 1. When...