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[audio mp3=""][/audio] B e sure to grieve E ndeavour to release your emotions R efuse to be rushed E xpose your own denial A nchor yourself in God V alue the support of friends E xpect many setbacks M ove forward slowly and courageously E ducate yourself in grief N urture yourself and others T rust...

  1. What’s the Big Claim? (John 20:30-31) What’s the Particular Issue? (John 5:16-18) JESUS IS CLAIMING TO BE GOD! 2. How does Jesus back up His claim? His Knowledge (5:6) His Compassion (5:7) His Power (5:8-9) JESUS IS DEMONSTRATING THAT HE IS GOD! 3. You can Miss the Point...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] NB. Low quality audio ‘I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.’ (verse 34) (1)Who is wielding this sword?   (v34-36) (2)Why would they turn against people so close to them? v37 The Christian’s first love v38 The Christian’s self-denial v39 The Christian’s eternal perspective (3)What is...

[audio m4a=""][/audio] NB. Low quality audio ‘You will be hated by all for my name’s sake…’ (verse 22) (1) Why it’s inevitable, if we proclaim the good news  (v16-25) Sheep in the midst of wolves Servants and masters (2) Why it isn’t something to fear (v26-33)   Things to chat about Has...

22042018MIKEPM (Apologies for the sound quality) 1. The official’s RESOLVE (v46-47) 2. The official’s REQUEST (v49) 3. The official’s RESPONSE (v50) 4. The official’s REWARD (v51-53) Will YOU Live? 1. Will you take Jesus at His word as you depart? 2. “…whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”  Jesus Christ (John 6:37) 3....

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) SOVEREIGNTY! (v1-6) The sovereign Lord permits a wicked foe to strike a faithful servant 2) SUFFERING! (v7-10) The torment of body, mind & soul 3) SILENCE! (v11-13) Of Job Of his friends Of God ...

  1. I am not the Christ (v28) 2. I am not the Bridegroom (v29) 3. He must increase, but I must decrease (v30) Pray for an: Increased Delight Increased Desire Increased Dependence Increased Discipline Increased Diligence Increased Drive Increased Distress ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Jesus Knows: 1. What Motivates and What Matters (v13-17) 2. The Futility of Signs and the Security of the Future in Him (v18-23) 3. About the Faith of ALL people – the Real and the Counterfeit (v24-25)...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) FAMILY! (v9 & 13) Timothy his beloved son in the faith Come quickly to see me, bring my cloak 2) FOES! (v10, 14-16) Demas has forsaken me (v10) Beware of Alexander (v14-15) The unfaithful anonymous (v16) 3) FRIENDS! Crescens (v10), Titus (v10), Luke (v11), Mark...