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PM Service

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Jacob: 1)  HIS BURDEN! (v24)          Loneliness, Guilt, Regret, Fear & Dread  “And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day”   2) HIS BATTLE! (v24)         Wrestling, Hurting, Pleading, Clinging   3) HIS BLESSING! (v27-28)         Israel……Prince with God - Transformed  ...

  [audio mp3=""][/audio] God’s love Shown Through Jesus is: 1. A PRACTICAL LOVE Jesus was compassionate and it always led to action. “To see good put into action is what everyone needs.” 2. A PERSONAL LOVE Jesus met people in their own situations. He did not sit in the Temple and expect...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] ITS PREMISE!  The character of the triune God There is forgiveness with God   ITS PROMISE!         The keys to assurance: 1 John 1:8-9, Psalm 32:5, Isaiah 38:17, 44:22, 55:7, Micah 7:18-19, Ephesians 1:7   ITS PRACTICE!         The forgiven forgive         It’s Biblical, Essential, Decisional, Gradual, Beautiful         Matt 6:12 & 14, Matt...

  IT’S FOR ALL PEOPLE         Because God made all He offers hope to all   IT’S ROOTED IN HISTORY         Jesus was a real person who actually lived   IT CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY FROM US         The hope of heaven gives us a perspective which changes our lives.         If you place...

  RAGE! (4:1-5) Jonah burning with rage at God’s mercy   RELIEF! (4:6) God sends a plant to comfort and teach Jonah   REBUKE! (4:7-11) Do you do well to be angry for the plant? Should I not pity Nineveh that great city?   LESSONS: God’s mercy and grace knows no racial, national, social, sexual, intellectual, or...

  [audio mp3=""][/audio] RENEWAL! (v1-3)   The word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time   REVIVAL! (v4-9)  A short sermon A strong reaction   REFUSAL! (v10)  God refuses to judge the penitent      ...

  [audio mp3=""][/audio] OVERBOARD! (1:15-2:1)   Cast over but not cast off OVERWHELMED! (2:1-6)  In distress In the depths Driven away In the pit OVERCOME! (2:7-10)   With remembrance With thanksgiving With devotion  ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] MINISTRY! (v1-2) Jonah had a divine, personal & specific call to ministry   MUTINY! (v3) Deliberate, spiritual, expensive, foolish, contented, prayerless, arrogant defiance   MISERY! (v4-17)  Danger, exposure, shame, rejection ...

[audio wav=""][/audio] (Please be aware the sound is not the usual quality) The backdrop: strangers, scattered, suffering​ Three imperatives: Be united (v8) Do good to all (v9 – 14) Be ready - to give an answer (v15) ...