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1) A PERSONAL MESSAGE (v21) “Tell Zerubbabel…” 2) A POWERFUL MESSAGE (v22) “I will….” 3) A PERMANENT MESSAGE (v23) “I have chosen you” The Kingdom you’re invited to be a citizen of is the Kingdom of a: Personal, Powerful, Permanent God So live with Kingdom PRIORITIES So live from Kingdom PERSPECTIVES So...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. A QUESTION FOR GOD’S PRIESTS (v10-13) Which is contagious – holiness or unholiness? Answer: UNHOLINESS 2. AN APPLICATION TO GOD’S PEOPLE (v14) The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart 3. THE MESSAGE OF GOD’S PROVIDENCE (v15-18) God disciplines to restore, not punish ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1. Don’t Look To the Past (v1-3) Negative Nostalgia Don’t despise the day of small things Unfavourable comparisons between the present and the past undermine all incentives to persevere. 2. Hear God’s Promise in the Present (v4-5) Be strong! I am with you! This is...