1. ITS LIFE! Multitudes who believed A church pulsating with spiritual energy 2. ITS LORD! The risen Lord, Head of the Church 3. ITS LOVE! Unity, Community, Generosity & Ministry...
1. IS SOMETHING PERSONAL! We know that we know Him 'KNOW' - is mentioned 39 times in 1 John 2. IS SOMETHING PRACTICAL! An old and new commandment that we love one another 3. IS SOMETHING POWERFUL! It brings: Forgiveness, Intimacy, Strength...
1. A THRONG! (v4) 5,000 men 2. A THREAT! (v1-22) Religious opposition answered 3. A THRONE! (v23-31) A throne of grace and government...
1. A SIGN! An amazing miracle – he clings to Peter & John 2. A SERMON! All about Jesus: a) A Servant b) The Holy One c) The Author of Life d) The Risen One e) The Powerful One f) The Ascended One g) The Judge 3. A SUMMONS! "Repent therefore...
1. TRAUMA A poor helpless, hopeless, desperate man 2. TRUTH Jesus Christ offers more than money can buy 3. TRANSFORMATION He went walking and leaping and praising God. The Transformation was: Unexpected, Sovereign, Supernatural, Instantaneous, Complete & Gave Glory to God NOT man....
1. ITS FOCUS! (v22-36) Jesus of Nazareth - His Condescension, Affirmation, Humiliation, Resurrection & Exaltation 2. ITS FORCE! (v37-41) A Holy Ghost conviction of sin. 3. ITS FRUIT! (v42-47) Salvation & Consecration The church born in power & pulsates in life & love...
1. ITS EVIDENCE! Sovereign supernatural signs to Ear, Eye, Heart & Tongue 2. ITS ELOQUENCE! "..we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God" (v11) 3. ITS EXPERIENCE! A fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy with Unity, Joy & Power...
Burdens: 1. THEIR REALITY! David – weighed down with burdens 2. THEIR REMEDY! Cast your burdens on the Lord 3. THEIR ROYALTY! King Jesus is our great burden-bearer...
1. THE AUTHOR! Luke the beloved physician 2. THE ANTHEM! The power of the risen Christ 3. THE AIM! To win the world for Jesus...