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Author: Admin

1. Rejoice in His Peace – (v36) - So Gracious   2. Rejoice in His Presence (v37-43) - So Tender   3. Rejoice in His Fulfillment of Prophecy (v44-45) - So Comforting   4. Rejoice in Proclaiming the Gospel (v46-48) - So Confirming   5. Rejoice in the Promise of Power (v49) - So Equipping   6. Rejoice in the...

1. DESPAIR! (v13-24) We had hoped…… (v21) Now they were crestfallen & disappointed   2. DISCOVERY! (v25-27) "And beginning with Moses and all the prophets…" (v27) The written word & the living Word.   3. DELIGHT! (v28-35) He opened their eyes He touched their hearts He fed their souls He changed their lives...

1. They know not what they do The Mourners (v27-31) The Religious Rulers (v35) The Soldiers (v36-37) The Governor (v38) The Rebellious Thief (v39) The Repentant Thief (v40-42)   2. Jesus knows what they need His rejection not retaliation (See Isaiah 53 and 1 Peter 2:22-25) The promise of forgiveness to the repentant (Luke 23:40-43) Bearing...

1. RESOLUTELY COMMITTED TO JESUS. “Let us also go, that we may die with Him” (John11:6)   2. AN HONEST DESIRE TO UNDERSTAND   THE TRUTH. “Lord we don’t know where you are going. How can we know the way?” (John 14:5)   3. FOR HIM …” TO BELIEVE WAS TO...