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Author: Admin

[audio mp3=""][/audio] The Light dispels the Darkness (v1-2) The Light attracts the Nations (v3)  Knowing and Worshipping God is the Great Attraction (v4-14)  Heaven is a Wonderful Place (v15-22) Challenges:   Where is your citizenship? Are we attractive? – “a holy church produces a hungry world” Are you fully convinced – so that...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] AT HOME! (3:18-21) Wives, Husbands, Children, Fathers: Be like Jesus: Submissive, Loving, Obedient & Gracious   AT WORK! (3:22-4:1)  Workers – whatever you do work heartily for the Lord & not for men  Leaders – be just and fair   AT CHURCH! (4:2-6) Be prayerful, watchful, thankful, wise, gracious ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] What do we see in the mirror? (v1-8) Devastation and Desperation   What do we do with what we see in the mirror? (v9-15a) Recognition and Confession   What has God done with what He sees in the mirror? (v15b-21) Intervention and Salvation  ...

Due to technical difficulties on the sound desk yesterday AM there is no sermon available.  NB Mike is currently preparing the GG notes with this in mind. 1. God and Religion v1-5 Hypocrisy is Confronted, Exposed and Rejected  2. God and Reality v6-14 Practical, Godly Behaviour results in the...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) THE WARDROBE! (vs 5-15) Take off the rags of sexual sins (vs 5-7) and social sins (vs 8-11) Put on the robes of love (vs 12-15)   2) THE WORD! (v16)  Have the word of Christ dwell in you richly   3) THE WHATEVER! (v17) Do all in the name of the...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) ITS CASE! (56:9-12) The leaders were irresponsible. They don’t see, know, warn. They are lazy, greedy, care less, selfish, pleasure seeking and arrogant. 2) ITS CURSE! (57:1-13a) The people languish into sin. The righteous perish Superstition flourishes God is mocked Children are abused Illicit sex becomes a new god Ambition and popularity reign Lies become...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] 1) OUR POSITION! (vs1 & 3) Risen with Christ Hidden in Christ   2) OUR PROGRESSION! (vs1 & 2) Seek then those things which are above Set your mind on things above   3) OUR PROMOTION! (v4) We will appear with HIM in glory  ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Empowered by Hope (v1-2) Living righteous lives in the light of promised rest   Exhibiting Openness (v3-8) No Separation among the Saved The Barred will be Blessed   Putting the Principles into Practice Our relationships in Christ should be the most important Your family in heaven matters more than your family on earth  Our...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] TO: 1) ELITISM! (v8-10) Don’t be kidnapped by HUMAN philosophy & human tradition. You are complete in Christ   2) RITUALISM! (v11-15) It is not circumcision that matters but union with Christ   3) LEGALISM! (v16-17) Don’t let anyone pass judgement on you. You don’t need the shadow, you have the substance - Christ   4)...