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Author: Admin

[audio mp3=""][/audio] The Principle (v21-22) It’s the ROOT that leads to the FRUIT A Matter of the Heart The Practice (v23-26) In the Church and in the Community: BE RECONCILED! A Matter of Priority A Matter of Urgency A Matter of Honesty ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] THE PROBLEM HE FACED! (v1-5) Famine, Exploitation, Feuds THE ACTION HE TOOK! (v6-13) He was angry with sin (v6) He exercised self-control (v7) He went to the heart of the issue (v7-9) He graciously called for an end to sin (v10-11) He called for a...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] THE RHYTHM OF LIFE RIGHTEOUSNESS: The Powerful Beat of the Christian Life Proclaimed in the Old Testament Stated in the Law; Interpreted by the Prophets Personified in Jesus In His Life, Death and Resurrection Practised by Christians Maximum application not Minimum observance ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] SALT OF THE EARTH AND LIGHT OF THE WORLD SALT – Preservation in a world of decay “O Taste … that the Lord is good” LIGHT – Illumination in a world of darkness “O See … that the Lord is good.” ...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] MALICE! (v1-6) Negative criticism met with prayer and  persistence MENACE! (v7-9) Vicious conspiracy met with prayer and action MESS! (v10-23) ‘It’s all too much’ – met with: Strong leadership! A heart of prayer! A will to fight! And a zeal for the Lord of hosts! Lessons: Do not...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] A Godly Purpose A Clear Plan A Willing People A Burning Passion   Challenges – Are You?: Constructor, Destructor, Obstructer? Co-operator or Competitor? And Is Each Part Working Properly? ...

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Our mercy to each other comes from God’s mercy to us Sees distress; reacts with compassion; responds with practical help; shows no prejudice It’s being like Jesus!   Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Context – The promised kingdom is at hand Content – The Messianic Manifesto and Discipleship Training Course Is it Realistic? Why should we study it?   The Beatitudes Blessed = The Life God Wants for You Not 8 but 1 (like the Fruit of the...