‘Summer Psalms’ No. 2 SINGING IN THE RAIN (Psalm 31)
By siteadmin in AM Service,Bible Book,Chris Holloway,Old Testament,Psalms,Sermons
1. I can sing because of ETERNAL CERTAINTY(v1-8)
Based on:
Who God is (character)
What God does (actions)
Why? God’s motive – His Name and His Glory (v3)
2. I can sing despite TEMPORARY MISERY (v9-13)
Individual suffering (9-10)
Social suffering (11-13)
1 Peter 5:11, Romans 8:18 – difficult, but no comparison to eternal glory to come
3. I can sing in DAILY SECURITY (v14-22)
I can say “You are My God” (v14)
My days are in the same place as my soul (v5) – in God’s hand (v15)
Even if we feel God to be absent (v22), His goodness is working on our behalf (v19)
2 Cor 6:10, Col 1:24-29 – “sorrowful yet rejoicing”
Do we live this out as we could & should?
4. We can sing together as a CHURCH-WIDE HARMONY (v23-24)
“All you His saints… All you who wait upon the Lord” (23)
1 Peter 5:10 – written to the whole church