06 May 2018


B e sure to grieve

E ndeavour to release your emotions

R efuse to be rushed

E xpose your own denial

A nchor yourself in God

V alue the support of friends

E xpect many setbacks

M ove forward slowly and courageously

E ducate yourself in grief

N urture yourself and others

T rust God when you can’t trace Him and try to live one day at a time

1) JOB’S WAIL! (v1-10)

  • ”Let the day perish on which I was born” (….my groanings are poured out like water v24b)

2) JOB’S WHY! (v11-23)

  • Why was I ever born?
  • Why was I ever blessed?
  • Why was I ever nursed?
  • Why can’t I be allowed to die?
  • Why such misery and bitterness?
  • Why am I trapped by God?

3) JOB’S WOE! (v24-26)

  • The thing I fear is upon me
  • I can’t relax
  • I can’t settle
  • I can’t rest
  • I am in utter turmoil and despair