REAL HOPE FOR REAL LIVES 6. PRIDE! (Jer 9:23-24, 1 Cor 1:26-31)
By siteadmin in 1 Corinthians,Bible Book,Jeremiah,Mike Wildsmith,New Testament,Old Testament,PM Service,Sermons
A) PRIDE Shows itself:
1. In our WISDOM
We think we know better than God
2. In our POWER
We rely on our strength rather than God’s
3. In our RICHES
We get our value from “things” rather than God
B) PRIDE Leads to:
1. ENVY – we think we’re more worthy
2. BITTERNESS – we think we deserved more
3. STRIFE – we desired more acknowledgment
4. DECEIT – we don’t want to look bad
5. SLANDER – we want to be liked more
6. GREED – we want to ‘keep up with (or ahead of?!) the Joneses
C) Philippians Chapter 2
1. The Exhortation (v1-4)
“in humility count others more significant than yourselves”
2. The Example (v5-11)
Christ Jesus
3. The Exponents (v12-30)
Paul (v17); Timothy (v19-21); Epaphroditus (v25-30)