THE GREAT REVIVAL (Isaiah 43:22 – 44:23)
By siteadmin in AM Service,Bible Book,Isaiah,Mike Wildsmith,Old Testament,Sermons
1. The Problem that requires the revival (43:22-24)
Worship that Wearies the Lord
2. The Remedy that brings the revival (43:25-44:8)
The Grace of Forgiveness, New Life and Security
3. The Outcome that follows the revival (44:9-23)
Keep Remembering and Keep Rejoicing
Questions for Reflection:
1. As ever, the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. So what needs to happen for us to get back to the heart of worship, namely JESUS?
2. How will you avoid your worship being mechanical and meaningless – and rather, be really joyful and something God finds delightful?