PROTECTION (Matt 6:13)
By siteadmin in Bible Book,Bill Bygroves,Matthew,New Testament,PM Service,Sermons
LORD DELIVER US! From evil LORD DEFEND US! Arise O God and defend Your cause LORD DESCEND TO US! In reviving powe In returning glory
LORD DELIVER US! From evil LORD DEFEND US! Arise O God and defend Your cause LORD DESCEND TO US! In reviving powe In returning glory
1) BATTLES! (9:1-16) Throughout the Persian Empire Jews defend themselves 2) BANQUETS! (9:17-32) The Feast of Purim celebrated in all the provinces 3) BLESSINGS! (10:1-3) Mordecai speaks ‘Shalom’ to all his people LESSONS: Remember God’s deliverances Seek peace and pursue it Rejoice, the Lord is King
1) THE LADY! The mistress of kingdoms is fallen 2) THE LIE! Of – Sovereignty, Mercy, Pleasure, Dynasty, Secrecy & Enchantments 3) THE LORD! Our Redeemer, the Lord of Hosts is His name, is the Holy One of Israel (v4)
1) A DAY OF REWARD! (v1-2) Mordecai is made prime minister 2) A DAY OF REQUEST (v3-6) Esther pleads for her people 3) A DAY OF REJOICING (v7-17) Good news is taken to the four corners of the Empire LESSONS: 1. There is light in the darkest situation 2….
1) SOVEREIGNTY! (v1-10) God’s timing is perfect 2) SINCERITY! (v11-12) God’s man is honoured 3) SECURITY! (v13) God’s enemy is doomed God’s people are safe
1) HUMILITY! (v1-8) Esther fasts, prays & humbly seeks God and wisely prepares to face the king 2) HYPOCRISY! (v9-10) Haman – angelic with Esther, demonic with Mordecai 3) HOSTILITY! (v11-14) Prepare the gallows LESSONS: 1. If you want to move God be humble 2. If you want to…
1) PAIN! (v1-3) Mordecai laments 2) POISE! (v4-12) Hathach intercedes 3) PURPOSE! (v13-17) Esther responds LESSONS: 1. When in distress pour out your heart 2. Never forget God uses nobodies 3. Never underestimate the power of one 4. Do not be intimidated by the unknown 5. Give God your…
1. A FRIEND (2:21-23) Mordecai 2. A FIEND (3:1-15) Haman the Agagite Operation Genocide 3. A FIGHT (Eph 6:10-12) Spiritual warfare
1) A PAGAN KING (vs1-4) Defeated & dejected 2) AN ORPHAN QUEEN (vs5-23) Her – name, state, beauty, guardian, summons, secret, training, class, favour, coronation 3) A SOVEREIGN LORD Who has the whole world in His hands
1. MONARCHY! (v1-8) ‘Xerxes king of kings, king of populist countries, king of the great and mighty Earth far and near’ 2. MOCKERY (v9-11) Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler 3. MUTINY (v12-22) Vashti refuses and is rejected
Dear friends,
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support doing these uncertain times.
Please do continue to pray for wisdom and guidance as we seek to do what is best to care for those who are most vulnerable among us.
As per the latest government guidelines and on the basis of an expert medical opinion from within our congregation, from the NHS and from Public Health England, we want to offer this additional information:
We advise anyone with a weakened immune system or any underlying health condition to stay away from public gatherings indoors.
If anyone experiences even a minor new and continuous cough, fever or other cold-like symptoms, please stay at home for at least 7 days.
These steps will help to protect those most vulnerable to the virus.
Please do pray for those who are vulnerable and may feel frightened and isolated. We are working on a strategy to help in this area.
Please pray for those who are on the front line of dealing with those affected, nurses, doctors and other health and social care workers.
We will be doing our best to keep you informed as regularly and as promptly as we can and as seems wise.
-Thursday Club will be suspended until further notice.
-CAMEO the monthly ladies group will also be suspended until further notice.
-The youth and children's work will take place as normal for now. Any changes for next week will be communicated as soon as they are known.
At this time, there is no guidance to cancel services or events. We are constantly checking as this and will respond accordingly.
We are planning to meet together this Sunday, 15th, as usual until the NHS and Public Health England change their advice. We are currently thinking through different strategies should this change.
We will be doing all we can over the coming weeks to help minimise the risk, encouraging each other to minimise contact. We have asked the welcome team asked not to shake hands when you come through the door.
We are also looking to livestream the services and recording them to be available on the website afterwards. Depending on the rapidly changing situation and guidance, we may be altering our services to best respond and also to protect the vulnerable.
We are thinking through several scenarios and will keep updating you as things progress.
If you are aware of someone in need or at risk of increased isolation, please call this number for help: 0151 280 9716
Please see the NHS website at
Public health England at
This is a time for us as a congregation to trust God, act wisely and love one another!
With love
On behalf of the elders