BARRIERS TO BELIEF (Matt 19:16-26)
By siteadmin in Bible Book,Dave Back,Matthew,New Testament,PM Service,Sermons
1. THE NARRATIVE – (a look at the man)
a) Who was he?
i) Young (v20)
ii) Rich (v22)
iii) Prominent (Luke 18)
iv) Keen (Luke 18)
v) Respectful (Luke 18)
vi) Asked questions (v 16 & 20)
b) What did he really think?
i) I’m doing pretty well!
ii) Acceptance with God is not that important.
c) What did he need to know?
i) that what was impossible for man is possible with God!
2. THE APPLICATION – (a look at ourselves)
What do we need to see?
a) A real danger
b) Barriers to faith
c) A warning