19 Jun 2016

WHAT A FINISH! (Isaiah 66:18-24)


1. The SIGN (v19)

2. The SENT (v19)

3. The SACRIFICE (v20)

4. The SER(VANTS (v21)

5. The SECURITY (v22)

6. The CELEBRATION (v23)

7. The SOLEMNITY (v24)

8. The SUMMARY – How will YOU finish – then?

a) Receive or Rebel
b) Humility or Hypocrisy
c) God’s Way or My Way
d) Life or Death
e) Heaven or Hell

9. The CHALLENGE – How will YOU live – now?

a) Urgency, Passion, Clarity, Magnetism, Relevance.
b) Disciple-Making Disciples of Jesus